目前做一款金融产品,由于涉及到资金安全,采用动态公钥的方式,即客户端每次登录服务端返回一个不同的XML串,由公钥的模数和指数构成,我需要用这个串生成公钥加密相关信息。服务端返回的XML串形如:wVwBKuePO3ZZbZ//gqaNuUNyaPHbS3e2v5iDHMFRfYHS/bFw+79GwNUiJ+wXgpA7SSBRhKdLhTuxMvCn1aZNlXaMXIOPG1AouUMMfr6kEpFf/V0wLv6NCHGvBUK0l7O+2fxn3bR1SkHM1jWvLPMzSMBZLCOBPRRZ5FjHAy8d378= AQAB
- 对RSA不了解。
- 如何用所谓的模数和指数生成公钥来加密相关信息。
struct rsa_st{/* The first parameter is used to pickup errors where* this is passed instead of aEVP_PKEY, it is set to 0 */int pad;long version;const RSA_METHOD *meth;/* functional reference if 'meth' is ENGINE-provided */ENGINE *engine;BIGNUM *n;BIGNUM *e;BIGNUM *d;BIGNUM *p;BIGNUM *q;BIGNUM *dmp1;BIGNUM *dmq1;BIGNUM *iqmp;/* be careful using this if the RSA structure is shared */CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data;int references;int flags;/* Used to cache montgomery values */BN_MONT_CTX *_method_mod_n;BN_MONT_CTX *_method_mod_p;BN_MONT_CTX *_method_mod_q;/* all BIGNUM values are actually in the following data, if it is not* NULL */char *bignum_data;BN_BLINDING *blinding;BN_BLINDING *mt_blinding;};
开始推荐的博客中有关于RSA模数和指数的介绍,对应到结构中分别是其中的 n 和 e ,模反数对应d,最开始的质数因子对应 p和 q。n和e决定了公钥,n和d决定了私钥。结构体中其它元素不论,能知道的是模数和指数决定了公钥。
// 1 der证书的base64编码形式 NSString *cert = @"MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDBXAEq5487dlltn/+Cpo25Q3Jo8dtLd7a/mIMcwVF9gdL9sXD7v0bA1SIn7BeCkDtJIFGEp0uFO7Ey8KfVpk2Vdoxcg48bUCi5Qwx+vqQSkV/9XTAu/o0Ica8FQrSXs77Z/GfdtHVKQczWNa8s8zNIwFksI4E9FFnkWMcDLx3fvwIDAQAB"; // 2 解码base64 NSData *publicKeyFileContent = [NSData dataFromBase64String:cert]; // 3 创建der证书对象 certificate = SecCertificateCreateWithData(kCFAllocatorDefault, ( __bridge CFDataRef)publicKeyFileContent); if (certificate == nil) { DLog(@"Can not read certificate from pub.der"); return nil; } // 4 验证证书 policy = SecPolicyCreateBasicX509(); OSStatus returnCode = SecTrustCreateWithCertificates(certificate, policy, &trust); if (returnCode != 0) { DLog(@"SecTrustCreateWithCertificates fail. Error Code: %ld", returnCode); return nil; } // 5 返回公钥 SecTrustResultType trustResultType; returnCode = SecTrustEvaluate(trust, &trustResultType); if (returnCode != 0) { DLog(@"SecTrustEvaluate fail. Error Code: %ld", returnCode); return nil; } // 不管是否信任都会尝试返回公钥,也有可能被信任但是返不回公钥 publicKey = SecTrustCopyPublicKey(trust); if (publicKey == nil) { DLog(@"SecTrustCopyPublicKey fail"); return nil; } maxPlainLen = SecKeyGetBlockSize(publicKey) - 12;
unsigned char *base64_decode(const char* base64data, int* len) { BIO *b64, *bmem; size_t length = strlen(base64data); unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(length); b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64()); BIO_set_flags(b64, BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL); bmem = BIO_new_mem_buf((void*)base64data, length); bmem = BIO_push(b64, bmem); *len = BIO_read(bmem, buffer, length); BIO_free_all(bmem); return buffer;}BIGNUM* bignum_base64_decode(const char* base64bignum) { BIGNUM* bn = NULL; int len; unsigned char* data = base64_decode(base64bignum, &len); if (len) { bn = BN_bin2bn(data, len, NULL); } free(data); return bn;}EVP_PKEY* RSA_fromBase64(const char* modulus_b64, const char* exp_b64) { BIGNUM *n = bignum_base64_decode(modulus_b64); BIGNUM *e = bignum_base64_decode(exp_b64); if (!n) printf("Invalid encoding for modulus\n"); if (!e) printf("Invalid encoding for public exponent\n"); if (e && n) { EVP_PKEY* pRsaKey = EVP_PKEY_new(); RSA* rsa = RSA_new(); rsa->e = e; rsa->n = n; EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pRsaKey, rsa); return pRsaKey; } else { if (n) BN_free(n); if (e) BN_free(e); return NULL; }}void assert_syntax(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Description: %s takes a RSA public key modulus and exponent in base64 encoding and produces a public key file in PEM format.\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "syntax: %s\n", argv[0]); exit(1); }}
ASN.1:ASN.1抽象语法标记(Abstract Syntax Notation One) ASN.1是一种 ISO/ITU-T 标准,描述了一种对数据进行表示、编码、传输和解码的数据格式。它提供了一整套正规的格式用于描述对象的结构,而不管语言上如何执行及这些数据的具体指 代,也不用去管到底是什么样的应用程序。标准的ASN.1编码规则有基本编码规则(BER,Basic Encoding Rules)、规范编码规则(CER,Canonical Encoding Rules)、唯一编码规则(DER,Distinguished Encoding Rules)、压缩编码规则(PER,Packed Encoding Rules)和XML编码规则(XER,XML Encoding Rules)。
x.509 : 常见通用的证书格式。
der:DER是ASN.1编码规则的其中一种。x.509证书通过DER编码(ASCII)后缀是:.DER .CER .CRT,通过PAM编码(Base64)的后缀是:.PEM .CER .CRT。.cer/.crt是用于存放证书,它是2进制形式存放的,不含私钥。
pem文件 : der文件经过base64转码后的文件。
(Email: yangxu0905@foxmail.com)